All posts by: paul peditto

About paul peditto

Director Cameos

February 11, 2019 0 Comment

Just a fun one today on Director Cameos. I found several I knew about on YouTube and a couple I didn’t. For instance, who knew that the never-seen director Terrance Malick had a small speaking part in Badlands. As for Hitchcock, I found a compilation reel for him. The Wikipedia elves did the legwork on […]

Only time I ever cried writing a blog post… This movie kills me. It’s unwatchable! And it’s not like it’s has a direct, personal connection– like a song or a place that meant something to me earlier in my life. Nope, this is just a really REALLY sad movie. I was surprised once in a […]

Title Sequences 2

January 17, 2019 0 Comment

Hey, 2019…hello! Good Reader,  an honest and heartfelt apology for being away so long. Can I just say with bold and italicized force that Script Gods Must Die lives! Life intercedes. Workload. The stuff that actually pays the bills. To run it back a month, between Columbia College, Second City, Chicago Filmmakers, Screenwriting University, my Saturday writing […]

  Script Gods Must Die is a screenwriting blog. For six years now we’ve worked the usual suspects– structure, format, character and story development, dialogue… but sometimes the best dialogue are the lines you don’t write. Film as visual medium gives preeminence to the camera image. The 30+ years of silent movies proved, like they […]

Writing the Micro-Budget Film One of the reason I’ve recently been neglectful of original content here at Script Gods is that, aside from the book I just finished, I’ve been working with Screenwriting University on a series of webinars and classes. One of these is Writing the Micro-Budget Screenplay and I’d like to give some […]