All posts by: paul peditto

About paul peditto

I’ve been writing for Script Magazine for two years now. It’s been a great pleasure to meet some of the people who write for the magazine as well as editor par excellance Jeanne Bowerman. Jeanne curates some mean content at Script Mag. In case you don’t visit that site and are interested in screenwriting, we’ll […]

Flash vs. Flashback

September 20, 2017 0 Comment

Yeah, I know it’s from a College Humor video, but remember that scene in Batman Begins where Scarecrow throws that powder in Batman’s face? He freaks out and starts rolling around, but he also starts seeing really bad memories and we see them right with him. We don’t actually flashback to those things, but we […]

Good Reader, how to choose?! Classic Bad Guys scenes… Antagonist forces blocking our hero’s journey. Nasty mofos with zero character arc who start the movie off rotten and end up even worse. “Complex” protagonists with so much black in them — think Tony Soprano or Walter White– that the good within them is but candlelight […]

Great Scenes: Mix 3

September 1, 2017 0 Comment

Time once again for Great Scenes! This, V 3.0. As per the last two mixes I attempted to find the script to accompany the scene (this time around, no script on a couple, but just too good to pass up). Where applicable, please compare the script to the clip and notice how the single dimensional […]

OK, this is the last of it. Part 5 of the Jane Doe Chronicles From Hell. I’ve sworn off Jane Doe posts. If you want to see my red-haired stepchild of a movie, you can now do so for free on YouTube:  This is a closure piece, wrapping up with a quick, joyful recollection of my […]