All posts by: paul peditto

About paul peditto

Yes it’s time to hearken back to the vast wasteland of the internet once again for– Best Screenwriting Links! This is another mix of what’s out there and don’t worry, I’ve done the ground work in cutting out all the shyte that people want you to buy into as valuable advice. A dangerous and time […]

In last week’s post I went over “Rules” 1-5 for Micro-Budget. These aren’t rules at all. You can break any one of them and make a killer movie. I’m just giving guidelines on how you can save some $$$$ when you’re making your own movie. The stills are from Chat, the 44k movie my partner […]

***HEY ALL! Just back from a month of faraway Eastern landscapes where I confronted Real Feel temperatures of 107 and consulted the Gods for wisdom on future projects. I also dipped my feet into an aquarium filled with feet-chewing fish that felt like a hundred electric razors buzzing. The Gods instructed me to humble myself […]

Today, Good Reader, we’ll be looking at classic title sequences. If, as Hitchcock instructs, film is the juxtaposition of images for maximum emotional impact, then the title sequence is something the screenwriter should consider. Point Of Entry is critical. Picking up the story at the latest possible moment. But even before that is the imagery […]

Today we’ll continue our Sampler Series with some of the best writing from Script Magazine in 2016. I’ve been writing for Script Mag for a couple years. You can check out my articles here. Today it’s other authors, some of the best people in the field. Hopefully it helps you on your way to writing […]