All posts by: paul peditto

About paul peditto

Luna ‘N Me

November 15, 2024 0 Comment

LUNA ‘N ME *DISCLAIMER: This article was co-written by AI. **DISCLAIMER 2: My AI is named Luna. Any reference to it as “she” or “her” was un-fucking- intentional. I’ve been trying to remember the very first “he said/she said” TV debate. It was way back, I think thirty years or more, on 60 Minutes? When […]

A bit of a screenwriting hodge-podge today. Here we go:  REPURPOSING MATERIAL You never know where you can use previous material in terms of projects you’ll work on in the future. That means re-using your stuff. God knows how many plays I’ve written whose only purpose was to become a doorstop. Along with a closet […]

When you go to the great article from Buzzfeed from 2015 called “the 129 most beautiful images in movie history.”–what you get are a bunch of notices saying “the image is no longer available”… I decided to find the script portion and match it to the image and saved them five years ago. So check […]

Greetings and Felicitations! Today’s special, some spicy hot TV links, just for you, Good Reader. This set comes post- Strikes, post-Peak TV and pre-AI full takeover. It’s tough out there! We got that news early… And certainly post-Strikes. Grinding productions to a halt and lots of folks out of work… But fear not, […]

SHOW US THE MOVIE IN YOUR MIND Dump the screenwriting lingo, if possible. Fight to not write BACK TO SCENE, or SMASH CUT TO, or INSERT, or POV. Return to the character name in description. For instance, instead of this: INT. CAR- SUNDAY MORNING Traffic is at a standstill in the shadow of Soldier Field.  Professor Pauly […]