All posts by: paul peditto

About paul peditto

The Long Take

July 31, 2016 0 Comment

Today I’d like to riff off something I did with a series of post on the Buzzfeed article on the “129 most beautiful frames in the movies”. This time it’s a great Screen Crush article on The Long Take. I wondered what the scripts would look like for these famous long take action sequences. Academic […]

I tried! I really did…but I can’t pick between them. Two scenes from Magnolia are classics. Let’s look at the clip and script for each: THE INTERVIEW The interview scene for Seduce and Destroy is a great scene for beat analysis. The Frank T.J. Mackey (Tom Cruise) character starts out dominating Beat 1– in his tighty-whities, […]

Yes, Good Reader, it’s that time again, Screenwriting Links, V.10! I have perused the internet’s Wide World of Sports to help you avoid the agony of defeat (Millennials, that’s a reference to the above image, ask your Grandpa to explain it) in your screenwriting careers. You’ll find a bunch of posts in this batch about […]

Those who read this blog know the story about Jane Doe, which was a movie adaptation of a 1985 play I wrote about my heroin-addicted girlfriend, Claire G. It was a story centering on the devastating effects of addiction from the POV of those living with the addict. After three runs in Chicago and Los […]

Not so long ago I did a post on action sequences highlighting Tarantino. If we’re doing rule breakers there’s no way I’m leaving out Shane Black. If you’re a Shane Black fan, stick around. If you think he’s THE most arrogant and over-rated motherfucker in the history of the written screenplay word…pass onward, Good Horseman! […]