All posts by: paul peditto

About paul peditto

  “The ideal low-budget movie is set in the present, with few sets, lots of interiors, only a couple speaking actors (none of them known), no major optional effects, no horses to feed. It’s no wonder so many beginning movie-makers set a bunch of not-yet-in-the-Guild teenagers loose in an old house and have some guy […]

My good friend Colin Costello, a former Chicagoan who moved to Los Angeles, recently wrote an article about the how a writer needs to be in Los Angeles to be a professional. I asked Colin to define his terms—if, by professional, he means in the strictest sense someone getting paid to practice the art of […]

Good Reader, I have an apology. I write endlessly about Chat, the damn micro-budget I made last year, because I’m a multitasker. Yeah, I have to fill space at Script Gods. But the good folks at Self-Counsel Press agreed to publish my micro-budget filmmaking book Surviving Outside Hollywood (Life Lessons For The D.I.Y. Filmmaker) so […]

From Merriam-Webster: icon noun \??-?kän\ computers : a small picture on a computer screen that represents a program or function : a person who is very successful and admired : a widely known symbol Gotta be lonely, being an icon. Genius is defined by its very absence in every day life. You know you’re in […]

Today we’ll continue on with our Kickstarter-theme, trying to help you, Good Reader, find that micro-budget dough so you can join the ranks of Joss Whedon in making micro-budget films. Previously we talked about the Main Copy, and what it had to accomplish. Remember, the Kickstarter campaign needs to have: Main Copy Perks Video Script(s) […]