All posts by: paul peditto

About paul peditto

The film community in Chicago reminds me of a Matryoshka doll. You know what those are, right? Russian nesting dolls. Body within a body within a body. What the hell is Peditto raving about now? Think about the mainstream film community here in Chicago. Think about it like a big Babushka nesting doll. Seriously… Chicago […]

It took a handful of folks asking about my micro-budget script CHAT before it occurred to me that I haven’t done a follow-up on the movie’s developments.  My last post on Chat was this: “DAY 20   5-11-2013: Hard to believe, y’say? Perhaps beyond the very realm of possibility…..nah. Wrapped CHAT today…” The unofficial genesis of […]

So, the Pres of Unapix Entertainment slides a $150,000 dollar check across the table. “Are we in business?” It would have taken Superman to push it back at this slick fellow. Alas, no capes here. Handshakes all around. Paperwork would be messengered over in the morning. Next day the contracts came in. About the size […]

  You often see blog posts on changing technology, the genesis from Indie-budgeted movies filmed on 16 and 35mm to the digital realm of the 5D and Alexa. But what about the effect that has on screenplay writing? In writing this book on micro-budget screenwriting, I’m looking at how technology has changed screenwriting. I want […]

In researching Lit Agents for a book I’m writing, SURVIVING OUTSIDE HOLLYWOOD, I came across the name of Bill Contardi. All kinds of nostalgia poured through me. Hadn’t thought about Bill for a looooong time, nor my days at William Morris. To you Weisenheimers who are saying—it’s William Morris ENDEAVOR—allow me to take you back […]