All posts by: paul peditto

About paul peditto

PROPORT:A written report based on numbers; A document characterized by claims that specific quantities have a direct result on the intended purpose of the document; verb: Proports: The juice concentrate package proports; a 1:3 mix to water ratio. noun: Proport: The proport claimed false ingredients. If there’s only thing I’ve learned teaching Millennials at Columbia […]

Yes Good Reader, it’s time for the Columbia College-Chicago video bag again! Now that we’re back with face-to-face classes, here are a few selections I show the kids to inspire and enlighten. Hope you enjoy! —THE HUNGER- OPENING SEQUENCE – SCREENWRITERS, TAKE NOTE! 5 MINUTES, 5 WORDS. —THE LISTENING DEAD. ONE OF MY FAVORITES FOR YEARS. […]

We all remember what happened with Louis CK–back in the pre-COVID world. With the shit-show of 2020, the shit-show of Louis CK just kinda… dropped from the collective mind. Did you know he had a web series? Check this out. It was $31 bucks when it came out. Now it’s just $13. Gets you all […]

One more sampling of the fabulous New York Times, Anatomy Of A Series. Some of the best, most incisive commentary you’ll find. Leading off with with especially timely thoughts from Spike Lee for DO THE RIGHT THING… SPIDER MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE ROMA THE MARTIAN BIRDMAN

OVERHEARD DIALOGUE It gets annoying, doesn’t it? All the experts–and yeah, me too–trying to tell you how to write F-U-N-N-Y? Is such a thing even possible? It’s doubtful there’s a simple answer. . It would be more complex, like at Second City where they provide you with tools to bring out your natural gifts, or in […]