
Good Reader, I have an apology. I write endlessly about Chat, the damn micro-budget I made last year, because I’m a multitasker. Yeah, I have to fill space at Script Gods. But the good folks at Self-Counsel Press agreed to publish my micro-budget filmmaking book Surviving Outside Hollywood (Life Lessons For The D.I.Y. Filmmaker) so […]

From Merriam-Webster: icon noun \??-?kän\ computers : a small picture on a computer screen that represents a program or function : a person who is very successful and admired : a widely known symbol Gotta be lonely, being an icon. Genius is defined by its very absence in every day life. You know you’re in […]

Today we’ll continue on with our Kickstarter-theme, trying to help you, Good Reader, find that micro-budget dough so you can join the ranks of Joss Whedon in making micro-budget films. Previously we talked about the Main Copy, and what it had to accomplish. Remember, the Kickstarter campaign needs to have: Main Copy Perks Video Script(s) […]

 Day 14: After several days of writing and tweaking for Dano and Esper, we shot the new walk and talks last night. The boys smoking a joint and passing a 40-ouncer as they catch up. All went well, if frantic as ever. We did four big lighting set ups around 14th street and Avenue C. […]

Action lines and Dialogue. Less the slugline and a transition or two, that is all there is to a screenplay. While it might be argued that dialogue is far more important, the ability to write clean, crisp screen direction is essential. What is the best way to go about it? You hear talk of unfilmables—and […]