
**QUICK NOTE, from my friend Linda Frothingham over at Chicago Screenwriters Network: They are running a seminar for screenwriters interested in submitting to contests. Entitled “IS YOUR SCRIPT READY?” it will feature a Q & A with speakers Ade Akisanya, T.J. Cimfel & Jason Doty, all of whom are former Chicago Screenwriter Network contest winners. […]

When I first heard about the movie BURIED, written by Chris Sparling, the concept blew me away. An American imprisoned by Iraqi terrorists, attempting to escape from a buried coffin. It would still be impressive if this movie cut away in flashbacks like 127 HOURS, but it doesn’t. The full 90 minutes are in the […]

Ok, today it’s part 2 of the M O N S T E R concept series! A further look at ideas that gained their writers access to the fabulously private Country Club run behind the moat, tall towers and parapet, namely the barriers Studios put up to any idea this is NOT a monster concept. […]

·         DAY 17, 5-3-2013 Last full weekend. Celebration is not  in the air as we roll up to the Falcon’s Home location at midnight to discover a small miscommunication. The “location” is an apartment unit occupied by living owners who had thought the filming of CHAT was done two weeks before.  They were preparing for […]

You’ll often hear people talk of gray characters. Meaning they are neither black nor white, complex, surprising, challenging, resisting cliches. How do you go about doing that, exactly? The toughest part is finding the balance between the good in someone and the not so good. You want a multidimensional protagonist, so you sprinkle in some […]