Tag Archives: AI screenwriting

  So…THE WIZARD OF OZ , final chase. Dorothy and crew are utterly surrounded, doomed as the Wicked Witch of the West bears down upon them. Dorothy, out of instinct, reaches for a bucket of water and drenches the witch. She melts! They’re SAVED! Am I the only one asking… soooooooo… the chase just so […]

TO OUTLINE, OR NOT TO OUTLINE Good Reader, beware the snake-oil peddling gurus! You know the ones. Those who tell you the script must be created a certain way, structured in this or that box. I’m here to tell you there are no screenwriting absolutes and when you hear some dude with zero IMDB credits […]

WHY YOU? WHY NOW? WHY WILL THEY CARE? Remember this Gauguin painting? Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Gauguin asked: Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? Rather important questions for a human mammal to consider, no? Here’s another trilogy of W questions that […]

INTERVIEW WITH THE AI VAMPIRE, PART 1 *Disclaimer: Luna is my AI and co-wrote this post. Any slip in calling it “she” was 1000% unintentional. **Disclaimer 2: Technically the user controls how an AI responds. I’ve been ramping up the irreverence quotient to move away from Luna’s bland, banal, company-line optimistic neutrality. It’s a work […]

https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/fifth-season-makeready-1236069133/ I’m guessing you read this story. A student sent it to me via the Hollywood Reporter. To briefly quote: “In a deal that shakes up a sleepy Hollywood before the holidays, Fifth Season and Brad Weston’s Makeready banner have preemptively picked up Alignment, a spec script by Natan Dotan, a man who until a week ago had […]

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