Tag Archives: Best Blogs

TO OUTLINE, OR NOT TO OUTLINE Good Reader, beware the snake-oil peddling gurus! You know the ones. Those who tell you the script must be created a certain way, structured in this or that box. I’m here to tell you there are no screenwriting absolutes and when you hear some dude with zero IMDB credits […]

As a craps dealer, call 11 and you’ll get cheers all day long. 7 and 11 win on the Come Out roll but alas, this has little to do with screenwriting. I’d call out the stickman’s call, Good Reader, if it got you closer to a sale. 11 is lucky in the dice pit so […]

Yes, Good Reader, it’s that time again, Screenwriting Links, V.10! I have perused the internet’s Wide World of Sports to help you avoid the agony of defeat (Millennials, that’s a reference to the above image, ask your Grandpa to explain it) in your screenwriting careers. You’ll find a bunch of posts in this batch about […]