Tag Archives: screenwriting

I’ve done quite a few of these best blog posts over the years. For screenwriting, let’s face it, there’s GO INTO THE STORY and there’s everyone else. Sure, the John August blog is essential. nofilmschool is a staggering resource. William Martell’s Sex In A Submarine is a killer and, of course, Script Mag where, yeah, […]

Screenwriting Links 12

February 14, 2017 0 Comment

Good Reader, welcome back to Script Gods Must Die and the Quixote-esque search for screenwriting knowledge! Spanning the globe to bring you the thrill of screenwriting victory and……oh wait, Millennials won’t get that reference: I WAS THE A-LIST WRITER OF B-RATE PRODUCTIONS The agony of defeat is always instructive. It’s also always funnier when it […]

Onward with our Best Screenwriting Links series. It occurred to me looking over my archives that among the dozens of amazing websites out there giving away knowledge for free–check the Links page at www.donedealpro.com for about two hundred of them– among these are a handful of ridiculously strong sites that could be featured in and […]

Script Gods is Five!

February 2, 2015 0 Comment

Good Reader, WTF! Five years? Where’d that go? Looks like I missed the Anniversary. December 9, 2009 was the first post here at Script Gods. Here’s a piece of it: “You’ve written a script (or 10) and sent it (them) out to varying degrees of success.  No breakthroughs, but there’s been “movement.” Or maybe you’ve […]

My good friend Colin Costello, a former Chicagoan who moved to Los Angeles, recently wrote an article about the how a writer needs to be in Los Angeles to be a professional. I asked Colin to define his terms—if, by professional, he means in the strictest sense someone getting paid to practice the art of […]